While the world tries to rob creation and nature from Christian thought the Bible itself proclaims that nature does speak (Psalm 19:1-6, Romans 1:20). When we observe nature we know it speaks. We can hear that voice with our heart, mind and soul: The creation speaks to all three.
	Creation speaks to the heart in many ways. For some it’s when they spend countless hours in nature captured by its essence. Others experience the voice of creation when they simple observe and ponder it out a window. And artists desire to capture its beauty through painting, sketching and photography.
	Creation speaks to our mind through the wonders of its design. When one looks at the details of the construction of the tiniest butterfly to the greatest galaxy, it all points to Him.
	Creation speaks to our soul through the scriptures. Many scriptures proclaim God as Creator and the creation confirms it. For the heavens surely do declare the glory of God. 
	Our hearts long for more nature as concrete cities expand around us. To satisfy our longing, we splash nature’s majesty on screens in our churches as we worship. We put gardens and bird feeders in our backyards. And we create parks for refuge in our biggest cities.  Many offices in the heart of Manhattan have photos of nature, but few homes in the mountains have photos of Manhattan.
	Nature has something to say. It’s time for the church today to listen.

All content © Pasquale R Mingarelli unless otherwise noted. Please do not take photos from this website to put them on your website or desktop or use them in any other manner without notifying Pasquale Mingarelli.

What Does Creation Say?
Creation Speaks
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Creation’s Voice
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