Creation Speaks explores what creation declares to our heart, soul and mind about God. It examines, when we spend time in nature, study it, enjoy it, and ponder God in it, we can grow in our knowledge and worship of Him. Pat would welcome the opportunity to share this fascinating message with your church or ministry group.

             As a long-time professional photographer, Pasquale “Pat” Mingarelli approaches creation as an artist rather than a scientist. His ministry looks at how nature connects with our intellect, but even more so, how it touches our soul on a theological level and our hearts on a personal level through its majesty, mystery and beauty.

            The Creation Speaks is a series of Keynote Software presentations, where scripture, nature and the art of photography are combined with what is written on our hearts to discover what creation can tells us about God.

            Pat and The Creation Speaks are available for a variety of church and ministry events including conferences, retreats, men’s groups, church services, student groups and other groups, Sunday school and special events. For more information call 402.709.9344, or click here to email Pat


All content © Pasquale R Mingarelli unless otherwise noted. Please do not take photos from this website to put them on your website or desktop or use them in any other manner without notifying Pasquale Mingarelli.

Creation Speaks: 
To the Heart, to the Mind and to the Soul
Our Journey
Where Do We Journey?whichtrail.html
You can learn additional information the Creation Speaks Project at

        As a former staff member of Campus Crusade for Christ (now known as Cru), My doctrinal beliefs continue to be aligned with those of Cru. Rather than simply write my own doctrinal beliefs I will refer to the one’s on their website

What people are saying?people_are_saying.html

For booking information click here to contact us by email or call 402.709.9344. I’m located in eastern Nebraska

The Needwhichtrail.html
The Heart, Soul and Mindheartsoulmind.html
Creation’s VoiceCreations_Voice.html
The Topicsthetopics.html
Creation Speaks Audio and Videocreationvideo.html
The Visual Verse of the Day
Featured Photo of the WeekFeature.html